40 per cent of the respondents informed on the outcome as flyers and posters. Online, Facebook has by far the greatest influence on the behavior of the nightlife. This is not surprising, since 90 percent of all German Swiss young people on Facebook are registered and more than half has a Smartphone. According to the study, men spend their free time preferably in bars, gyms, or in the ski holiday. Women prefer go to the movies or spend their money for city breaks. Youth Marketing is gaining more and more marketers focus their efforts more narrowly on young people and students. This is due to their high purchasing power on the one hand and on the other hand their direct influence on the other family members. In addition, you know that the most trends of young people are used and then adapted by other demographic groups.
Also, most opt People already at a young age for certain brands and adhere to them then their whole life long. The target group of young people is so lucrative, it is so difficult to win. This is not only the highly fragmented media landscape, but their talent to get pure marketing messages quickly to the bottom and then to oppose it, because they appear to them to werberisch and implausible. The study results allow us to make the communication mix of our customers more efficiently and more targeted and thus to strengthen an entire campaign. In particular, information about the online relevant for young people and offline communication channels are essential indicators for an efficient and effective campaign”, explains Fabio Emch, managing partner of jim & jim. The study provides information on the decision-making behaviour of young people in relation to their socio-demographic, consumer, monetary and psychological characteristics in detail.
The analysis of consumer behaviour of young people in relation to various consumer goods and it provides services to tailored the communication strategy of a company to the respective sectors and their youthful clientele. Jim founded about jim & jim 2011 and Lucerne and Zurich-based & jim AG is the first and Switzerland’s only agency that specializes exclusively on youth and student marketing. “The creative and mobilization Agency develops and implements marketing campaigns, which are not just only young, wild and sexy”, and provide directly measurable effects detectable at the same time young people to mobilize assets. jim & jim is a subsidiary of Jaywalker GmbH, which in turn for several years for all German Swiss manages the range of pupils – and students-Maestro-card STUcard cantonal banks and supports them in the area of youth and student marketing and advises. Through the collaboration with STUcard, jim & jim has access to high-traffic channels of communication, such as the in-house magazine and newsletter, as well as to various social media applications. Among other renowned Brands like Nokia, tally Weijl, Trojka energy, data quest and Burger King at the youth marketing expertise of jim & jim. For more information and pictures Sam Kurath and partner jim jim bruchstrasse 73, 6003 Luzern AG phone: + 41 41 210 88 11 mobile: + 41 76 423 00 03 E-Mail: Daniel Leuenberger Oppenheim & Partner GmbH (Press Office) stockerstrasse 32, 8002 Zurich phone: + 41 78 807 86 89 E-Mail: