WHOIS Structure

Advice for the registration of domains ICANN requires that whatever a person has to stand with the owner or registrant. That is the conclusion, ICANN from the fact, that entries will no longer call the person in charge of the company as Admin-C in many cases. If one would follow this policy, it means that all domains are legally not more clearly identifiable, where owner and organization there. For an unbiased judge, E.g. it could mean that the person in case of doubt is the owner of the domain, because it is by many registries as owner or registrant in the WHOIS, not the company. To avoid this you should be a ROLE contact enter, as long as ICANN criticised not the case, i.e. only the company. Incidentally, explicitly permitted for DENIC.

It is worth considering in the WHOIS an incorrect email address or a separate e-mail address to enter. You will receive a customer request via e-mail due to the WHOIS entry in the rarest cases, but so much spam, because it’s still spammers I’m able to read the WHOIS of registries automatically. Some domains be registered only with the help of a branch in a country. If this is not absolutely required, it should be here whatever its default data. E.g. the case were reported to me that is verselbstandigte the whole branch of a company in Italy was to compete, but the Italian domains and sites has kept just because they on persons working in the Branch were registered speaks alone, the idea of a corporate identity for the entries in the WHOIS for all be making domains as possible uniform.

But there’s more: fragmented responsibilities could lead to a different policy from different people at a company in relation to domains and websites. In particular also the sign in to search engines should be authorized by a person to avoid negative reactions by search engines. It is therefore advisable that only one person is available in the WHOIS for all domains as Admin-C for all domains, the Indeed, in the domains it is responsible. It will be not possible to unify all entries for all domains. The registries and registrars have different masks for domains that differ in some respects. An update on standardised data is difficult for some registries, if the old Admin-C is excreted from the company and is no longer accessible. At some registrars of the letterhead and any signature is not enough, but it explicitly requires the signature of the person who originally has is responsible for the domain as Admin-C.