Martins (1992, p.60) still affirms that the intention of this moment is to isolate the object of the conscience. Of – then the reflection on the parts of the experience that stops the citizens has cognitivos, affective and conotativos meanings. This if of the one through the comparison of the context and eliminations, where the researcher is enabled to reduce the description of those parts that are essential for the existence of the conscience of the experience. The reduction has for object to arrive the essence of the nature of what we investigate, desvelando in such a way the phenomenon such which it is and if it presents in leaving open for the world-lived one, but not possessing it, therefore it is infinite. Such opening is directed by the conscience of the object that we search through the scienter, that allows to follow the direction to the perceived phenomenon. The synthesis of the fenomenolgica reduction consists of converting the world into scienter, becoming it correlato of the conscience, a time that stops it all object is intentional object. I finish it moment, the fenomenolgica understanding, requires the interpretation, where if it looks for to specify the meaning of the phenomenon, in the truth it always appears in set with the interpretation.
The understanding if processes through a set of significant assertions pointed with respect to the conscience that we have of the phenomenon. The understanding happens of the reflection on the phenomenon, providing to the conscience the return same itself, this to turn itself on is the proper reflection, giving conscience the condition of self-knowledge, auto-criticizes, the autoone. Reflection, as the originating analyses they showed, is an expression for the acts where the chain of the experience with its multiple events (phase of experience and scienter) can be apprehended and analyzed to the light of its proper one it evidences.