Although sometimes the social control is realised by coercive or violent means, the social control also includes coercive forms not specifically, like the prejudices, the values and the beliefs. Between means of social control traditionally accepted as such are the social norms, the institutions, the religion, the laws, the hierarchies, the repression means, the indoctrinacin, the generally accepted behaviors and the uses and customs (informal system, that can include prejudices) and laws (formal system, that include sanctions). Modern sociology recognizes six types of controls: The physical control, that is the force, the violence, the punishment that is applied to the individual that the society determines is outside established norms; primary the social control and we talked about the family here; the political control that is exerted through the laws, with the intervention of the government and the application of those laws; the ethical control that talks about the customs; the control of classes also called of ocupaciones” that one overlaps in the same structure of the societies and the control of the stratifications, a control that alludes to other aspects, not only economic but also cultural. 1. – APPROACHES TOWARDS a THEORY OF HATRED From an epistemologic perspective, the cognoscente approach of hatred is defined as a negative feeling, of deep antipathy, misfortune, aversion, enemistad or repulsion towards a person, thing, situation or phenomenon, as well as desire to avoid, to limit or to destroy what it is hated. Thus conceived, hatred is based on the fear to its objective, or justified or no, or beyond the negative consequences to be related to him..