The most complete cereal. But In addition to fiber, has other nutritional advantages: the Oatmeal is the cereal that has more vitamins and minerals concentrates. By the side of the first, we can name A, E, B1, B2; While by the seconds, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium or phosphorus. It is also recognized as a great power strong and recommended in diets for athletes. As a result of all this nutritional value, has many advantages for health: * slows the cholesterol. According to the healthy eating site: linoleic acid and fiber that owns, causes cholesterol to not pass into the intestine. Thus, protects the body against arteriosclerosis, hypertension and stroke. * It allows the control of blood glucose.
Oats low blood sugar levels, so it is recommended against diabetes. * It reduces the chances of suffering hypertension * Help the heart function Good for pregnancy. During pregnancy to the development of the fetus and during lactation aid favors the production of breast milk, In addition to bring the same amount of vitamins and minerals. How to incorporate oats oats traditionally buys oats snapshot and the most common way of preparing it is cooking with milk forming a sticky paste, that also tends to have too much sugar, but there are many more variables. On the one hand, we can buy the snowflakes in dietary, where come in larger pieces and more flavor. In that same place, also they sell us oat bran, much healthier, and flour. In terms of consumption, the first thing that must be said is that it is advisable that it do so is raw and along with fruits and vegetables, that intensify its properties. Then, there are a lot of recipes or resources where to use them.
For example, they can be one of the ingredients of a very good whole wheat bread; the soup that we mentioned before (solos must boil the broth and throw snowflakes); in cookies (although usually have lots of sugar and butter); can hacerun cute pudding; etc. It is especially recommended for breakfast, mixed with yogurt and fruit (and Yes (we want to make it complete, seeds) or as part of the granola. In addition, can be used in other preparations to make them more healthy, such as using them for Breading patties; mixing them in smoothies; or, as already mentioned, as part of some foods like hamburgers homemade stuffing or pumpkin pie. In summary, should abandon all the prejudices we had about this cereal and give it a prominent place in our food, which we seek to be more healthy and balanced. We have the possibility of that is the main ingredient in our food or get accustomed us to it by changing it in other recipes. Sources:-new/updates/feedlot the avena.