Lawyer Jan Bartholl

The OCU pointed out that it had been officially no declaration of strike and no strike. Avoid Iberia could claims from affected passengers then also not with the argument of force majeure”, or force majeur”. The argument of force majeure by pages of airlines is typical to avoid payments to passengers”, said spokesman of Facua, the Spanish Ruben Sanchez, Consumer organisation consumers in action ‘. He proposed to change the corresponding regulation, so that passengers without making a formal complaint must be paid compensation in the case of cancellations and overbooking. Airlines are well aware that their passengers of a cancellation are concerned, and at the same time know that complain of 100 passengers at most 10″, Sanchez said. The umbrella organization of the consumer centres in Spain, the Confederacion Espanola de Organizaciones de Amas de Casa, Office y Usuarios (Ceaccu), affected passengers asked not only about the cancellations to complain, but the legal rights of all damages and expenses which entitled especially package travellers, legally to prevail.

Lawyer Jan Bartholl contacts in the travel, flight and air traffic law contact: lawyer Jan Bartholl Munster, April 2008 and current information at news E-Mail: info (at) telephone: 01803/505415-365249 the law firm Bartholl advises consumers, travellers, and passengers to legal questions about the entire jurisdiction of the travel, flight and air traffic rights. See the website of the law firm reports and information on topics can be found as: passenger rights in Europe, case off-what do I do?, how do I assert my claims against tour operator optimally?, luggage loss, flight delay, flight cancellation and the legal consequences. The address is. Lawyer Jan Bartholl serves clients on legal details, discusses the possibilities in any particular case with each customer together and examines how. The firm Bartholl in Munster’s work is based on trust, confidentiality and liability.