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Such waves arrive, with he was described, and go to act on bell 100 or the uivador M, calling the attention the local operator. This answers by means of its key (66), and the colloquy has beginning by means of nipple 9 and of the phone 10 or then telegraphic signals are changed with the aid of the proper keys that can directly be on to the uivador, and, if wanting. To transmit the impulses electric, the operator closes the commutator 69 on terminal 69. To receive them, he places the same key in terminal 96 and closes key 61. To send articulated sounds he lights the light bulb and he speaks through one of nipples 9 or 10, closing to another one. To receive them, he closes key 53 and he takes 50 to the ear, or two nipples 9 -10, closing in this in case that, the linking acoustics between 15 and 16, as he was said above. Bobbin 56 serves to increase the potential in the extremities of secondary wires, when they are used, together with the other bobbin (68), through secondary wires, with intention to telegraph by means of the electric waves and of luminous beams, as widely it is explained in the specifications of my applications of telegraphy without wire, series n 89.976. Wires 96 and 97 are armed of common terminals and parts H, k, 72 and 100 are connected the resistncias conveniently calculated.

With regard to Fig.4, number 88 is a box to contain coal for backwards of eletrdio 90, adjustable by means of screw 92 and of nut 95; the 86 is a coal diaphragm, with a retention spring (87). Granulated coal is interposed enters the back of the eletrdio and the diaphragm, as habitually, and becomes the linkings through terminals 89. Number 78 is another box contends magneto-receiver 79 that it acts in diaphragm 81 and it makes use of terminals 80. Boxes 88 and 78 are on for pipe 82, that it carries a column from air and it has a widening (83), with pressure openings (84), that also they serve to expel the vibrations. In some cases, the openings (84) can to be made in an extremity, so that the air column forms a compact column.

When if it makes to vibrate the diaphragm-receiver, the air column vibrates, and then the diaphragm-transmitter produces changes in the chain of the receiver, that reacts and so on, harmonic, producing a long one and modulated musical note, of height each bigger and supported time. For this description if it verifies that mine I invent consists, speaking in general way, in projecting waves it wants electric, it still wants of unknown nature, high force of penetration, between stations and printing in the thus established column, the corresponding vibrations to the verbal waves. In this direction, I discovered that the sound is pparently receptvel without devices special. I do not affirm that all the sonorous waves or vibrations produced for my device are limited or affected for the luminous column, but yes that all the sonorous waves that leave of one same place and if carry together with this column they arrive at the receiving station. For having had some forms to conceive them, but what I demand it is its application