All of these effusions are designed to help reduce the number of accidents with motorcycles in the title role. Beginners’ kings of the road “, who believe that blow over, go on the road just can not. Myslyashie that their life is not threatened, because they are so brilliant and beautiful means of transportation, very quickly down to earth and often permanently. You do not never fell off the bike? You still ahead. If you can not control his impatience in squeezing the trigger of gas, and respect for the way you will never get anywhere. If you are starting or have decided to start using motorcycles or cars you have a driver who wants to get the right category A, then this stuff for you.
Choosing Steel two-wheeled friend yourself, do not take it out of the store itself. Buy a motorcycle towing services or tighten the seller if you have no friends with the ability to transport the motorcycle. Your fall from it provided in the first day and it is unlikely you will love it, especially if it happens on the way home. For a start buy a medium-sized motorcycles Engine, such as 400 cubes. Remember, the more powerful the bike, the faster your body turn into a pile of bones.
The cornerstone is something that must be trained in normal motoshkole in St. Petersburg have good instructors. Driving a motorcycle at times more dangerous than a car, so every mistake is your on the road can be the last. Not nada from the beginning to try to squeeze the maximum speed of the iron pet. On the basis of control and braking with acceleration will require at least 3 weeks of practice. So before you get behind the wheel motorcycle, you must buy a full set of Honda Motorcycles. The basis of this helmet, knechno. No motoperchey and specials. shoes, too, anywhere. Pants and jacket with special safety frames, to save you from most of the terrible injuries. Just remember the naklokotniki, protection knees and spine. Must be clear to everyone – all fall down. Osvoli these elements?