Hyperactivity is a symptom that allows us to observe, that some children, preschool and primary education, mainly show impulsive behavior. That is, they are ready for action every time they want something. These impulses come and jump with such intensity that people who suffer from it, can not sit still for long periods. Educational aspect concerns the fact to help us control our impulses and desires, so that we learn to wait our turn, to have tolerance to touch us that we serve in a restaurant, to have patience when we are not serves the first, etc.. However, children with attention deficit hyperactivity combined with, seem to not have these filters, which enable them to assess the expected, tolerance and patience. Therefore, they are impulsive and with a swift and sudden activity.
Do not stop to reflect or circumstances, or in the details, compared to much movement, of course, that care, suffers a deficit, that is, is diminished. Impulses are directly related to emotions, and these with the desires, “with the desire.” Being in contact with such wishes, through a series of physiological reactions and the child comes into play … The following diagram illustrates this process: Stimulus: The boy in front of a toy that attracts and catches your attention. Emotion: The attraction towards the object he makes you want to love him. All emotions are produced in the brain, referred to as the limbic system. Autonomous Physiological Reactions: The various changes that the child experiences prepare you for action without the will or to mediate learning.
It is a visceral automatic response. Impulsiveness and hyperactivity: Being subject to a change in their levels of adrenaline, for example, the child resorts to action as a normal reaction to what your physiology is asking. All human beings experience these feelings. And always there are two main options: It slows or inhibits the action or desire, in this case, take the toy. Or, acting without thinking, and just keep the “momentum”, desire, desire. People who have an adequate impulse control, hamper the action, reflect, and then take action. This process of tolerance to frustration is expected or a condition, apparently, are handicapped or in deficit, and are one of the causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is important that therapy focus on psychology this point, so the child can understand, according to their maturation process, all the situations that have to do with what is known: to understand the cause and effect of their behavior. It is therefore important for every child and of course, each family, are familiar with the kind of suffering, with procedures to control and to help children have a better control of their desires. Recall that the treatments are individualized, and that despite the general, there is no person manifest symptoms of the same way. In my view, have required “a more human look for those who suffer and his family” because, as mentioned in other articles, may be small, subject to discrimination or rejection. If you suspect someone in your family suffers, do not hesitate to consult a specialist. The early and prompt attention is important for a significant advance in both the personality and school performance … IS NOT THE SAME Being diagnosed with ADHD Sufferers Avoid negative ways of relating to them and their problems. They are children and adolescents with a disorder. They are not the problem. In everything we care for those suffering from the ADHD. and books and workbooks for follow-up …