This ended the long struggle of the peoples nevengerskoy ethnicity for self-determination after the signing of the Trianon treaty. This event resulted in a significant reduction in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary. And after 1918, outside of Hungary is strong enough to reduce the use of the Hungarian language. The first monument to the Hungarian writing dates from about 1200-m year. This was a "eulogy and prayer." At the same time, approximately half of the 16th Century II Hungarian texts written mainly in Latin and German. To this time the German language is the most common of all foreign languages in Hungary. And almost until the middle of last century a large portion of the Hungarian people owned them as a second language. In the 16th to 17th centuries, is the formation of national consciousness of the Hungarian people, the result is the fact that Hungarians are increasingly prefer their native language other languages.
If we consider phonetics of vowels in Hungarian, then it is unique. There are 14 vowels. Diphthongs in the language available, as well as reduced noise. Pronunciation of vowels is more precision than, for example, in Russian. The sound of syllables and more distinct. The Hungarian language has a rather clear and strong articulation. Vowels are short and long.
Also, they are back and the front row. Power accent always falls on the first syllable. Consonants in the Hungarian language are soft, unaspirated explosive and solid. During the 5-9 th centuries AD, a huge impact on the Hungarian language had a Turkic dialect. And since 9 century appear in the language of the Slavic elements vocabulary. After the Hungarians accepted the Christian faith, the official language in which all services performed become Latin. Thus, in the Hungarian reach the Latin terms, and with them, and Greek. And for past two centuries, the language of the Hungarian kingdom actively absorbs borrowing from the Italian language, as well as Gallicisms and Germanism. In the middle of last century in the Hungarian language there russisms, and its end – Drawing from the American and British English. During migration, the ancient Hungarian tribes from the Urals to the territory on which the modern Hungary, they are more or less contact with Turkic, Slavic and Iranian peoples, which has left its imprint in the lexicon of the language. The modern vocabulary of the Hungarian language includes elements of the Finnish-Ugrian (21%), Slavic (20%), German (11%), Turkic (9.5%) Latin-Greek (6%) and Roman (2.5%) vocabulary. On this basis, can be called Hungarian "prefabricated" language.