Recorded in compact disc and Dvd. Launched at the beginning of this year the album of the group catholic, it brings in its layer not plus an art that deals with the religious message of its content, but yes the photo of the components of the group during the event of the writing of the album. With the art of the name of the group superficially. Thus if of also in the most recent work of the group Ahead of the Throne, launched in the end of 2007, the layer of the intitled compact disc ' ' Prince of the Paz' ' also he brings a photo registered during the event of writing of the same, where they appear the components of the group. However ' ' Prince of the Paz' ' he brings in itself a detail notable, who is the figure of a lion for backwards of the heading, according to them would be the representation of the prince of the peace.
According to them the lion would be the representation of ' ' Prince of the Paz' ' that he is Jesus, this comparative degree generated great controversy between the evanglicos. The compact disc still brings messages that according to evanglicos would be ' ' imprprias' ' for diffusion in the churches, leading in account the comparative degree of the Lion and the letters of musics ' ' fortes' ' that according to them they bring messages of war against the Satan, and musics of light melody that transmit messages that deal with the moment lived for the church, or the author Ana Paula Valado. The layer of the compact disc backwards in itself details more avantajados, detached letters more, strategies of colors, and the insertion of the lion as ' ' Prince of paz' ' one will detail similar if it finds in the art of the album of the group Reluz Life, that brings a dove drawn on the name of the group, that stops the catholics symbolizes peace.