And he continued saying to me: " Here, and in the valley of street deads, all we are happy within our lives without fixed courses. Some of my companions passes away, taken strongly to cardboards and old woman trastos that catch fire with little heat, with the heat that can give to a tobacco butt ". " My poor son gathers and eats the breadcrumbs scattered by the ground, as if outside a small bird left by chance. It has a skinny body but it owns great corazn" , it ended up affirming. To be young has become a slavery, and of this the smaller doubt does not fit to me, than more and plus every day has been fomented that happens. We see it with our own eyes: so many and so many are them form of operation of minors, that is to say: it deals with infantile nios/as, sexual commerce with lucrative aims, works in mines of the death, works in agriculture, denominated " Children soldados" created like human shields for a certain death, unavoidable infantile marriages, slavery domestic servant on the part of his own parents, sexual abuses committed at the last ones, pederastia (when the minor has 13 years of age, and he gives his consent, is that pederasta" some does not commit crime), children raptados in the own street for, later, killing them and dealing with its vital organs The enigma of immigration is very probable that it goes to more. One thinks that it does not have easy solution in the game of democratic policy, we understand as it nowadays.
It is a subject that is lent to the demagoguery and the enthusiasm. It makes arise the exacerbated and intransigentes nationalisms, which program and lead to the people to conducts full of hatred and scorn to the foreigner. Xenophobia, racism, expulsion are behaviors to eradicate by the governments western-his citizens including, on people who come from economically weak territories and, therefore, own powerful reasons to emigrate illegally, legal or, towards richer others.