However, the cost of services in these organizations is unnecessarily exaggerated, because in every community The organization has at least three founders. Commercial clubs cats, such as the Association of breed clubs cat lovers (APKLK) provide paid services which cost significantly lower than in public structures. Here the staff is in constant operation, so each owner of a cat has its own curator, phenologist, which will calculate and make the selection and the genetic program of an animal will choose partners and aktiruet litters, and will represent the interests of the owner of an animal in the implementation of the kittens. In commercial organizations, is planning consulting work with the owners of cats, that is, experts advise, and the final decision always remains the owner of the animal. All relations between the administration of the organization and the owner of the animal are regulated in accordance with the "Regulations on the breeding work, which everyone pet owner receives when joining the club. The only drawback of these organizations is that there can not join twice, because if the pet owner leaves the organization, then all breeding and genetic programs, calculations based on the kennel, perspective development plans must be destroyed.
What is the system? Felinological system – an organization that develops and approves: Standards breeds and colors, the rules of cat shows and assign titles, the order of the training and recognition experts. In practice, very often of the Association or the Federation of cats are both systems. The system can Clubs include cats, associations, federations, centers or nurseries. Which cat shows have to go? At the exhibition of the system to which your club. The fact is that if the pet owner will receive title to the "other system, the club he can not register the results. Incidentally, there is one more nuance. For example, the owner of the animal is in a club that is part of the WCF, but personally he did not register a nursery or animals in this system. Then the title of the exhibition WCF, the animal will not give the certificate to the title of WCF (as an animal is not registered in the system), and the owner will hand over only a certificate from the club.
Titles club has no right register! Therefore, if the owner is registered in the social clubs of cats, he should take care of the self-registration in feline system, to which his club. Joining the club in the system gives the right to hold exhibitions on the rules of the system, but does not give the right to register titles cats. Hence the title of an animal with a licensed show WCF must be in Germany. When registering an animal commercial organization, such as the Association of breed clubs cat lovers (APKLK) each animal shall be registered in the system Pedigree Cat Association (PCA). This saves cat owners from the hassle and extra part cats in all exhibitions of SAR involves the automatic recognition of these estimates and titles. The choice of the club cats are always up to you!