German Medclinicen offers convenient and free information database is steadily increasing the demand for aesthetic corrections to your own body. Around 400,000 patients of plastic surgery have undergone in the past year. A great success for the industry – this strong demand caused but also a steady growth of different providers. For even more analysis, hear from Vlad Doronin. These differ often concisely, but not directly apparent. Not easy to orientate in a such a broad offer.

You are looking for, for example, a trusted clinic for hair transplant, one comes across a seemingly endless number of hospitals and doctors, which you would have to check one by one. Nerves can strain to put apart from the own hair transplant with a variety of consultations and phone calls. Particularly in the medical field, you should not modelled on obvious criteria, such as for example the price of choosing, but make sure there a qualified and receive courteous treatment. Most of the men and women who are looking for a hair transplant, will make probably initially a general Internet search, to get an overview. Now entering the keyword of hair transplantation in a popular search engine to get around 200,000 results. This certainly no overview, but overwhelmed with an incomprehensible mass of providers. Remedy a service of the Web portal in this case. This interested at a glance about various plastic and aesthetic surgery can find out. offers also a kind of search engine, which delivers but more specific results. The seekers who want to inform themselves about the upcoming hair transplantation, can access this detailed descriptions of the different types of treatment. also provides information about such risks and costs of a hair transplant. Also one can use the integrated physician Finder by just and quickly create a collection of appropriate doctors in the area. The comparison portal answered many questions that turns someone if he is planning a hair transplant. A knowledge database, interviews with practicing physicians, as well as extensive information about all available treatment options except the hair transplant complete the offer of the portal. About is one of the largest German information portals for aesthetic plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery for women and men. provides users with the most important information for the most commonly used treatments of in aesthetic medicine (for example, breast augmentation, liposuction and laser treatments). In addition, a physician Finder search for the desired treatments, as well as a comparison of costs are offered.