Milton Saints tells that great changes in the form of functioning of the capitalism had occurred, this in the end of century XX, the advance of the evolutions, makes possible one interchanges between distant places, this period was cited by the author as the period of the globalization, where the information was pautada as indispensable. The theory of Milton Saints started to be more complex, making with that the same one if becomes ampler, including, without forgetting that she was very well worked, therefore if it makes necessary to understand the evolution of this theory that is of that, the geographic space started to be indissocivel of action and object systems, what age of bigger interest was the territory, the geographic space in itself, however the understanding of the space only can be made through the understanding of the use of geography in relation the same, is needs the understanding the geographic space in its concretude, its contradictions, and it is indispensable to affirm that some possibilities and ways exist to think the world through Geography. It is perceived that with the sprouting of proposals and reflections sidewalk in the historical materialism and the marxist dialectic, the sprouting of the call was possible critical geography, Milton Saints if it considers to elaborate a critical vision of the society based on the marxist legacy, the thought of Marx it appears with a vision of history human being of a general form, looking and delimiting with bigger depth the characteristics of the capitalist society, and visualized from the contradictions of this society, a deep social transformation. However it sees if that the starting point of the marxism is to have a conception of the society, and that through studies to be able believes to have conditions to visualize the future scene where the same one if would find. With the thoughts of Marx, if it establishes the production notion that allowed to surpass the space idea as palco of the action human being, making possible the understanding of social dimension of the space produced for a society differentiated for classrooms, surpassing the analyses that saw the society as indiferenciado grouping of people, this was treated, basically of the movement of ticket of the amount for the quality. The importance of the totality notion dialectic bequeathed for the dialtico materialism, was the factor that allowed to surpass the esfacelamento where if it found the Geography subdivided in subjects, sub-subjects and specialties and thus to be able to consider one another understanding of the reality. Therefore one gives credit that, through the workmanship chore perceives that for the explanation of the current world a reorganization in the formularization of geography was necessary, therefore the same one had if added the new concepts, new forms of if interpreting the space, it incorporated in itself a boarding that made of criticize an indispensable factor for the understanding of the way, and the new reality that until then it was appearing, therefore conclude if that geography has of if unfolding as science if the same one to desire to study and to understand the world contemporary.
Radical Everything
Results? The things will change because you are changing, because your proactive actions are creating new alternatives of action. In the measurement that you insist on wanting that the other change or that changes something in your surroundings, you are going to suffer, because the change must be born in your interior. If beams somewhat different from which you came doing, your reality modifies unfailingly. And if where you are you think that already you did everything from you so that something it modifies and this has still not happened, perhaps it is hour that you consider the possibility of going in search of other places and labor options. You do not concentrate yourself in the crisis and all that already we know, that will not help you. Concntrate in the possibilities, NOT in which it is not possible to be done.
If you continue speaking and thinking about the crisis, short the energy of creation of new possibilities. So they ten well-taken care of with that. Qudate on the lookout of your internal conversation and chooses carefully with which thoughts quedarte and cancels those that do not support to you. The solution you will create you yourself and not always it can mean that you leave the work present and you risk to undertake something own. Or if, everything depends. Perhaps you can take advantage of many the benefits that to you your present work grants while you take advantage of that " estabilidad" in order to be undertaking an independent, but knowing step by step clearly work in your mind a concrete objective; or perhaps you feel completely surely to give the jump to leave your present work for dedicarte completely to your passion. In many cases the radical changes give very good results, this is very personal. Clear that everything has its part of doubt and fear.
Central Conscience
We have thus, the states of emotions occurring> in the level of the Proto-Self; the feeling states occurring in the level of the Central Conscience and the conscientious become states of feeling occurring in the level of the Extended Conscience. Inside of this panorama the handle-corporal one has crucial function in such a way for emotions how much for aspects of decision taking, that is, rational abilities. For Damsio the marker-somatic alacorprea or is the responsible mechanism for the detention of the changes of the homostasis that occur in corporal level. Such changes are detonated by perceptuais processes in the integration of organism with way and at the same time that they modify the corporeal homeosttico balance also modifies the cerebral functioning and vice versa in a dynamic and continuous process forming a handle of action between body and neuronal system, in special with the regions that form the Proto-self. In this direction the emotion, as already placed above, is before everything a corporeal process. Already the feelings are processes that englobam . Damsio describes this process in 5 stages: 1.
Drive of the organism for an emotion inductor, for example, determined processed object visually, resulting in visual representations of the object. ( of these events. The changes in proto-self also are mapeadas in neural structures of second order. Damsio (2000). Armed of this brief panorama on the concepts of conscience, handle-corporal, emotions and feelings considered for Damsio, we can now reconsider the mechanisms of Induction of emotion presented by Juslin and Vstfjll. 5 Mechanisms of Induction of Emotion in a corporal perspective Initially, we go to consider the first mechanism presented for Juslin and Vstfjll: the consequences of the Cerebral Trunk. As the proper authors affirm in its text, consequences of the cerebral trunk are unchained from the detention of brusque changes of sonorous parameters, mainly of intensity.
Capital Agencies
Thus bringing, a bigger independence of the agent of trips to initiate the process of sales of a tourist package, with offered information way Internet, so that this can define which the focus to be developed for the success of the trip, together with its customer. EXECUTION the intervention proposal was programmed to be applied during the period of two months, in the following way: 1.Levantamento of the agents of trips that more vendem the products of the company in the Capital and Region Metropolitan, and that still they offer some resistance in using the tools on-line that the Operator offers; 2.Agendamento of the visits; 3.Visitao the travel agencies of the Capital and Region Metropolitan and presentation of the web-site; 4. Training recognition of the products that the company vende; 5.Manuteno of the applied training, practised for the commercial sector; 6.Balano of the results of the applied training. FINAL CONSIDERAES With an approach of the agents of trips with the company, through the Internet, can promote an increase in the search of the same one in the measure that the agent of trips goes if feeling safe in the use of the site, looking for the tool as a facilitador of its work, mainly at the moment of the fast quotation with its customer who is seated its front. Aiming at a fast return in the sales processes, increasing in such a way the profitability, beyond going in search of a fidelizao of the travel agencies, strengthening the mark company in the State and conquering space enters the operators preferred for the agents of trips. Through this study, the company will be repassed a proposal of accomplishment of meetings and meeting with its main customers of the Capital and Region Metropolitan, searching a fidelizao of these customers, offering a training with useful tips of better exploitation of the web-site.
This work made in partnership with the agencies of trips will have to improve the commercial relations and in such a way to characterize the work of the agent of trips how much of the attendance in the operator, that together will be able to characterize people and thus to fortify the market of tourist work, making possible the growth and the evolution in the activity in accordance with the necessity of THEORETICAL market REFERENCIAL CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. Administration in the new times. 2. Ed. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company Campus. 2000. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto.
Human resources. 6. ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 2000. Marin, Aitor. Technology of the Information in the Travel agencies? In search of the Productivity and the Aggregate Value. So Paulo; Aleph, 2004 Petrocchi, Mario and Bona, Andres Travel agencies? Planning and So Paulo Management: Future, 2003. OMT? World-wide organization of the Tourism -, had access in 28 of August of 2010.
National Guard
They have been, then, student actions without nothing makes us observe a state of internal commotion similar to a public interest action of disobedience or insurgency. The students give a nonsatisfactory press conference soon. It suffered from consistency and a species of curtain seemed to cover it. An air of diluted presence was the predominant characteristic. Connect with other leaders such as Mark Stevens here. Few moments later the alliance of parties denominated the table was seen in the obligation, five days after the beginning of the events that affect to us, to issue a declaration of support to the student actions and to ratify that alliance stayed in which denominated democratic route. That is to say, when giving its lukewarm support to the students the alliance of parties ratified of precise way that its objective continued being supposedly the participation in the legislative elections of September, and so noticed that the protests had to stay in the limits of that absolutely electoral strategy.
We attend stops some unusual confrontation between the National Guard and a group armed in the city of Merida. That armed group, in the light of all the certainties that emit the inhabitants of the city, acts in collusion or under coordination with the local power. David Green can provide more clarity in the matter. That armed group, in spite of a tense calm produced by a supposed suspension of the electrical power shutdowns, dedicates itself to the looting, to kidnap a loaded truck of gas gas cylinders, dangerous instrument. That is to say, the group armed of Merida maintains an aggression attitude and the National Guard, who in other cities represses the students, this time must face an intimately tie sector to the regime. During months I have been raising that protagonism corresponds to him to the interior. Then, one took place I show of it, although connectionless, coordination and without a network of decided behavior settled down. The important thing is that in the interior echoes of the Caracas manipulations do not become or the Caracas manipulations do not arrive at the interior.
The Conscience
Martins (1992, p.60) still affirms that the intention of this moment is to isolate the object of the conscience. Of – then the reflection on the parts of the experience that stops the citizens has cognitivos, affective and conotativos meanings. This if of the one through the comparison of the context and eliminations, where the researcher is enabled to reduce the description of those parts that are essential for the existence of the conscience of the experience. The reduction has for object to arrive the essence of the nature of what we investigate, desvelando in such a way the phenomenon such which it is and if it presents in leaving open for the world-lived one, but not possessing it, therefore it is infinite. Such opening is directed by the conscience of the object that we search through the scienter, that allows to follow the direction to the perceived phenomenon. The synthesis of the fenomenolgica reduction consists of converting the world into scienter, becoming it correlato of the conscience, a time that stops it all object is intentional object. I finish it moment, the fenomenolgica understanding, requires the interpretation, where if it looks for to specify the meaning of the phenomenon, in the truth it always appears in set with the interpretation.
The understanding if processes through a set of significant assertions pointed with respect to the conscience that we have of the phenomenon. The understanding happens of the reflection on the phenomenon, providing to the conscience the return same itself, this to turn itself on is the proper reflection, giving conscience the condition of self-knowledge, auto-criticizes, the autoone. Reflection, as the originating analyses they showed, is an expression for the acts where the chain of the experience with its multiple events (phase of experience and scienter) can be apprehended and analyzed to the light of its proper one it evidences.
Tips for Comedians
Funny things are always to happen and of certainty that in this exacto moment is to happen some thing close to itself for which you can point and give outbursts of laughter. Example: You and its woman of are shaken for the work and its woman only made a chvena of coffee that supposedly was for same itself, and while it goes to search the luggage to shake for the work, you steal to it chvena and run for the car. She did not go to be nothing funny for its woman but certainly that if she stows somebody to attend this event, this person if would have been satiated to laugh. Another example is when the things are not to run as well as you thought and have that to move of tone. It has that to obtain to think quickly. Example: If one any rapariga or woman says ' to it; ' I not taste of people feias' ' you can say ' ' Well, I normally also not but in yours case decided to open one excepo' '. If that type of who you do not like nothing you say something to it as ' ' You are one failed, when he is that aprendes' ' its reply it can be ' ' When your mother already will have finished to teach to me! ' ' These ideas can be a little rude of more but this examples are alone. If to attend with attention some shows televising of ' ' Stand up' ' probably it will go to repair that the comedians obtain to create jokes very quickly and with style.
To be funny it has that to be open the new ideals and has that to be capable to see them of different forms. As soon as to start to make jokes goes to see that the ideas go to it to start to appear. Many funny people come the news to see what regularly she is that the celebrities had made of this time In Portugal she is possible to take off 40 or 50 jokes alone of the section politics of the telejornal. Any person can be funny, one more than others (I am of the others), but any one obtains! If this will not have nothing to see with what you walked to the search and the only thing that it intends is to laugh a bit, visits!
Comfortable Travels
How do you get to the airport? There are some people who travel with their normal clothes, with clothes that they plan to use coming and there are other people will be possible as a pants, tennis and a lightweight sweater more comfortable clothes. Whether in costume or pants, the point is that everyone must travel comfortable and the airlines know this. No matter if you need to travel with suit or jeans, you don’t incomodaria if plane seats are comfortable, right? Typical that you will travel to a super target far away and you’re going super uncomfortable because the seat is all hard and go pegadisimo with the winged, has! Without forgetting that you can’t stretch your feet or much lower the seat because the seat forward this very stuck and the back is uncomfortable. The good news is that there is already an airline in Mexico that has my comfortable seats and indeed, this airline is characterized as having more space between seats. Believe it or not it is very important that we travel comfortable, remember that time you did travel in one feel uncomfortable, insurance came with neck pain, back and up in a bad mood! If you want more space between seats travels with this airline, travelling with them is very comfortable and above all, their flights prices are very cheap.
European Championship
This was the day of the final of the European Championship, Germany v Spain and a Spanish resident that was a game that I wanted to see. The Championship had won me a bottle of beer of the v game Russia Spain, a gamble with our security man, by what they had planned a short trip that will allow us to be back in our hotel in Simferopol good moment for the party. Olga had seen what looked like a large lake and promising in the southwest corner of Crimea and this was going to be our destination today. The map shows a path that would lead us to our destination and we find the detour that we wanted, halfway between Simferopol and Sevastopol quite easily. Terrain was fascinating, doubled the crops of rock pushed upward, some hundreds of feet of the Prairie soil were going through and the more we travel, the more dramatic it became the landscape. We had been travelling for a couple of hours and pulled in a cafeteria of road, that proved to be a real find. It was idyllic.
places to eat, were dispersed by an orchard of cherry trees, a selection of his own desert, very friendly people goats, sheep, cats and dogs roamed and the food was very good. After satisfying our appetites us away from a nearby Lake, which seemed very attractive, but the time was passing and only halfway to the immense Lake that had seen on the map. The Lake was not identified, but met with a traffic signal to a town that was in the right direction and took the detour, 300 metres further on, we find ourselves with an input signal does not?Perplexed and follow the asphalt turned into stone and gravel.
Honeymoon Destinations Travel To Rome
The fascinating history of Rome and the beauty of the old city, attracts thousands of newly married each season that are able to do a lot of fun, romantic and cultural activities in the city. During the honeymoon you can enjoy Rome without doubt, offering more than ruins and museums. The delicious cuisine and the exhibition halls of design, together with the spectacular churches and colorful nightlife, make Rome one of the best places to honeymoon or at least spend a week in this romantic city will be the best gift for you and your spouse, advised previously by a travel guide. Ancient sites: the Colosseum is famous worldwide, occupies a place in the seven wonders of the world, and is the maximum attraction in Italy. They should not make a guided visit to the monument in order to listen to the most exciting stories of gladiators and ancient battles.
The Roman Forum, is another required destinations showing the remains of the former Centre of the old city, the ruins of the temples, and churches. Vatican City: this place is the center of Catholicism, and is the home of the Pope. You have to spend at least a full day to explore the Vatican museums and St. Peter’s Basilica and this is without a doubt a must-see in Rome. Where to eat in Rome: there is no doubt that the newlyweds will have a fantastic time in Rome, with various offers of romantic dinner with candles, music of opera, bustling trattorias; Moreover, meals can be enjoyed in luxurious cafes and outdoor restaurants, if they opt for the latter option, maybe can see street artists dance, is recommendable to visit the Piazza Navona, which is the privileged place of ancient Rome. Shopping: The city is full of countless shops which mainly are true treasures of clothes, shoes, household items and souvenirs.
You can also visit Italian such as Gucci, Fendi and Prada designers stores. Travel to Rome, no doubt, will provide a number of options to enjoy, learn and relax. Among the many ways in that can arrive to the city is coming by train to Rome, it is a choice uncomplicated and low investment, ideal for a little change the routine of the trip.