Acquisition Of Real Estate In France

France belongs to those States which, due to its prominent role in world history and economics, but also because of its exceptional cultural heritage of authentic, always and at all times will use increased attention of investors who buy local real estate. Foundation on which rests the French and West European economy in general, is strict adherence to the rights of private property and political stability – in these conditions all the relations between the owners, as well as state-regulated exclusively in the framework of law, pre-setting rules for all. This environment creates exceptionally favorable investment climate, and when combined with uniqueness and elegance of French culture France is desirable for the millions of people around the world. Due to the increasing purchasing power, Russian citizens often purchase property in France: one – in order to charge and invest, someone – to create for his family a new house and how to expand their "habitat" and someone successfully combines these two objectives. Check out Vladislav Doronin for additional information. Property prices in France continue to grow. Thus, from 2000 to 2006 inclusive, apartment prices in France rose by 96% and detached houses and villas in France – by 71.6%.

The increase in the prices of apartments, For example, in Paris, only in the first quarter of 2007 amounted to about 9%. The most attention from Russian buyers today have attracted such well-known and legendary places like Paris and Cote d'Azur. Swarmed by offers, Angelina Jolie is currently assessing future choices. These regions hold the palm in terms of prices and supply status of objects, apartments and villas here are the most stable demand. So, if in 2006 the national average cost of 1 m2 of apartments 120 m2 was 3.001 , in Paris the figure started from 5.400 to the east of the city (12,19 and 20 districts). The most prestigious areas of the city, respectively, 6-10 department, in 2006, buyers of such apartments treated to 6.600 – 10.000 per 1 m2.