I’m really not sure where to start this blog. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for quite a while, partly to keep a diary for myself as to what I’ve been up to, and partly to share some of my thoughts for anyone else who might be interested. So, here’s post number one.
First, I suppose it would be sensible to tell you a little about myself. I think I’m going to refrain from naming anybody else in my family on this blog in case they later grow up and get embarrassed about something I’ve written. However, I’m willing to be a bit more public about myself; after all, the blog has my name on it!
I am the manager of a small store in the Midwest. We sell all sorts of camping equipment, recreational clothing walking shoes, that sort of thing. I quite enjoy the work, and I certainly like meeting some of the people who come and shop with us. We try and sell pretty good equipment, rather than junk, so although we’re not the cheapest place in town, people know they’re getting a pretty good deal.
In my spare time I like to play guitar, although I’m at a pretty basic level. I also read a great deal, mainly current affairs, humor, and a wide range of mysteries and thrillers. I used to read intelligent fiction when I was in college, but I seem to have lost the patience for it nowadays.
Oh, I suppose I should talk about my family… I’m married, and we have four kids, the youngest of whom is seven. I’m still trying to decide how much I’m going to talk about my family, so I’ll leave it there for now.
OK, I’ve started!